Kornmehl Laser Eye Associates

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Kornmehl Laser Eye Associates

Laser Vision Correction, Dry Eye Treatment, Cataract Surgery,
Contact Lenses & General Eyecare

Morphues8 Cosmetic Microneedling Lid Treatment in Boston

What Is Morpheus8?

Morphues8 Cosmetic Microneedling Lid Treatment

Morpheus8 is a fractional skin treatment that stimulates collagen production of the underlying layers of the dermis. By targeting the deeper layers of the skin, tissues of the face and periorbital area can be remodeled and tightened to reveal a more radiant youthful appearance.

This procedure is particularly helpful in patients with dry eye since the vertical opening (fissure) is not widened which can lead to greater exposure. This often occurs with surgical blepharoplasty and may worsen the symptoms of pre-existing dry eye or lead to experiencing the symptoms of dry eye.

How Many Sessions Are Recommended?

Dr. Kornmehl will recommend the optimal number of sessions. Most patients require three to four sessions, then one to two maintenance sessions per year.

How Quickly Will I See Results?

Typically, noticeable results appear three weeks after the last treatment and will continue to improve for the next three months.

What is the Benefit of Fractionated Energy?

Radiofrequency (RF) energy is a scientifically proven method to remodel and rebuild collagen. It is minimally invasive, using a matrix of micro pins to renew the deeper layers of the skin with almost no patient downtime.

Can Anyone Use Morpheus8?

The benefit of Morpheus8’s color blind technology is that it can be used on all skin types. The unique properties allow even darker tones to be treated.

What Kind of Post Procedure Care is Required?

Patients should moisturize the treatment area and avoid direct sun exposure for 24-48 hours. It is important to use a broad-spectrum sunscreen every day after 24-48 hours following the treatment.