Kornmehl Laser Eye Associates

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Kornmehl Laser Eye Associates

Laser Vision Correction, Dry Eye Treatment, Cataract Surgery,
Contact Lenses & General Eyecare


Vision Disorders

Can LASIK Cure Myopia?

According to the American Optometric Association, nearly 30 percent of the U.S. population has myopia, a refractive error that causes faraway objects to appear blurry or distorted. If you have myopia, nearby objects may appear clear to you but objects at intermediate or far distances (e.g., a television screen, a whiteboard in a classroom) probably… Read the full article

Eye Injuries from Falls Are on the Rise – Tips to Reduce Your Risk

A recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association Ophthalmology discovered that the number of people hospitalized with eye injuries increased 18 percent in 13 years. The team that conducted the study believes the increase is due to falls among elderly people, and that limited vision from common vision disorders may be… Read the full article


Can Dry Eye Be Reversed?

Dry eye is a chronic condition that affects millions of Americans. Someone with dry eye either does not produce enough tears to keep the eyes properly moisturized, or produces tears that are of poor quality and cannot sufficiently lubricate the eyes. Those experiencing symptoms of dry eye (e.g., itchy, irritated eyes; sensitivity to light; general discomfort)… Read the full article


Can Cataracts Cause Blindness?

Can Cataracts Cause Blindness? The visual deterioration caused by cataracts can be worrisome. Those that have experienced the loss of clear vision and other worsening cataract symptoms may wonder if they are destined to become blind. Dr. Ernest Kornmehl, an experienced cataract surgeon at Kornmehl Laser Eye Associates, discusses the possibility of that happening in this post. The… Read the full article