People have understood the mechanics of eyesight for thousands of years. Writings and drawings on this subject go back as far as 2000 BC. And the quest to correct vision has never stopped. From the invention of eyeglasses hundreds of years ago to the fabrication of the first American contact lenses, the evolution of vision… Read the full article
How the Human Eye Works Part 3
Most people who have had an eye exam that includes a test to measure visual acuity, clarity or sharpness of vision, recognize the simple notation 20/20 as meaning “normal vision.” What do those numbers mean? Let’s say your vision is 20/40. That means you can see at twenty feet what a person with normal vision can see… Read the full article
Boston Magazine’s Top LASIK surgeon/ Ophthalmologist
Dr. Ernest W. Kornmehl, M.D.,F.A.C.S. is selected as a Top Laser Surgeon and Laser Center in Boston Magazine’s Top Doctors issue 2010.
How the Human Eye Works Part 2
Common Vision Problems Your Boston eye doctor may refer to your vision problem as your refractive error, or focusing problem. How well you see is determined, for the most part, by how accurately your eyes are able to bend, or refract, light. In a normal eye, the focus comes to a point on the retina. But sometimes… Read the full article
How the Human Eye Works (Part 1)
Sight is our most precious sense. Our eyes enable us to take in the surrounding world. Without sight, the way we perceive the world would be forever changed. No wonder the eyes are often elevated in literature, art, religion, and philosophy to symbolize everything from the windows of the soul to supreme wisdom. Indeed, the… Read the full article
Choosing A LASIK Surgeon:Questions to Ask Part 2
Has the surgeon performed at least 3,000 LASIK procedures and does he/she maintain a database of results? Three thousand cases is a large enough number so that the surgeon will have the database that will yield statistically significant results. The surgeon should be able to provide you with an accurate assessment of what your vision… Read the full article
Choosing A LASIK Surgeon:Questions to Ask PART ONE
Laser vision correction, specifically LASIK, is currently one of the most commonly performed procedures in the United States. Over 1.3 million procedures are performed annually. Patients who are nearsighted, farsighted or astigmatic are reducing or eliminating their dependence on glasses or contact lenses. Although the visual results are impressive, it is important to remember that LASIK is… Read the full article
Dry Eye and Lasik: Management
Dry eye is very common and has multiple causes. There is no cure for dry eye but it can be managed so the patient is comfortable and does not have fluctuating vision. Management of dry eye must be achieved before LASIK or cataract surgery is performed. All forms of corneal refractive surgery (LASIK, PRK) and cataract surgery exacerbate dry eye… Read the full article
Dry Eye And LASIK:Causes
Dry eye is very common. The overwheming majority of patients that come for a LASIKconsultation have dry eye. This must be addressed before surgery to optimize the visual result and provide the greatest comfort after surgery. The leading cause of dry eye in young people is long-term contact lens wear. Contact lensesdesensitize the cornea over time resulting in… Read the full article
Boston Magazine’s Top LASIK surgeon/ Ophthalmologist
Dr. Ernest W. Kornmehl, M.D.,F.A.C.S. is selected as a Top Laser Surgeon and Laser Center in Boston Magazine’s Top Doctors issue 2009.